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“To understand the human movement, to restore it and choosing it as a health value.”


 Download the school brochure Version juillet 2024


Founded in 1968 with the aim to experiment pedagogic novel methods and to improve the physiotherapists training in France, the “National School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation” (École Nationale de Kinésithérapie et de REéducation, ENKRE) is a public physiotherapy school which budget comes from the Regional Council of Ile de France. The school is managed by “Les Hôpitaux Paris Est Val-de-Marne”. It is situated closed to Paris into a well-known hospital in adult and children rehabilitation. The physiotherapy school takes place into refurbished premises, within an historical background. The school comprises an important references center as a physiotherapy library.

Each year, ENKRE greets about one hundred new students performing the first academic year out of four years. Among of them, there are some “High Level Athletes”, few overseas students already having a physiotherapist diploma and some extra “auditeurs libres” coming from other professions.

The school ENKRE offers a professional schedule, linked with a university (Paris Saclay) with schooling optimal conditions. It also is a Training Unit by the mean of Apprenticeship and it starts to be open at international mobility.

Students pass the French State Diploma (Chartered Physiotherapist) they need to practice the physiotherapist profession in both France and European Union. The total course is a first year at the university and then four years at ENKRE’s school in which a third is practical training in France or abroad.
The pedagogical team comprises high level professors in two domains, both professional and university. There are eight pedagogical persons in charge of coordinate schedules in initial and continuous training, according to the school project.


Entry requirements

Since 2005-2006, the selective process to be admitted in Physiotherapy 1st year is as follows: validation of 60 ECTS, at the end of a first university academic year in medical science: « Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique » (PASS) or Licence Accès Santé (L.AS) or a university academic year in sports science: “Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives (STAPS)”.

Selected students are arranged in merit order by each university as follows:

88 students for the 2022-2023academic year.

Moreover, ENKRE is authorized to register:

  • 10 high level athlètes
  • 5 « Passerelles » article 25 coming from other paramedical or medical professions, Licence of Health Sciences and technics, Licence of Sport Sciences or any Master
  • 2 « Passerelles » article 27, physiotherapists coming from abroad (outside EU)

Development of professional skills

The ENKRE syllabus develops graduates who are both innovative and skilled. As physiotherapists with a genuinely scientific outlook, they can deal with patients in a variety of settings, neuro-rehabilitation to musculoskeletal, respiratory care, in a variety of ages, whatever the background is: therapeutic, preventive or educative.

The ENKRE evaluates, each year, the students training quality. Depending of the results, the school improves its training by the mean of didactical innovative methods and it experiments new pedagogical practices.

4 years course duration of professional and university training,
divided in two educational cycles:

The first cycle (KP2-KP3) is providing in 4 semesters the scientific, methodologic and professional teachings, which they are fundamental and compulsory to understand both health problems and clinical situations come across physiotherapy.

The second cycle (KP4-KP5) is organizing in 4 semesters the improvement of diagnosis competences and physiotherapy skills in the whole aspects of physiotherapy fields.

Distribution of ECTS and time volumes per cycle (in hours) ECTS Lectures Seminar  Lectures + Seminar + Practical lessons Personal time
CYCLE 1 (2 semesters) 120 445 575 1650 1610
CYCLE 2 (2 semesters) 120 450 510 1800 1610
TOTAL CYCLE 1 ET CYCLE 2 240 895 1085 3450 3220
Including practical lessons in physiotherapy:       1470  

      >> Check cycles









Professional Integration of High Levels Athlètes 

ENKRE received high level sports athletes through an agreement with “Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance” (INSEP, National Institute of Sports, Expert Evaluation and Performance) and Sports Federations.

Athletes can have:

• A double project: timetable arrangement in order to link professional studies and sports career.
• Professional reconversion at the end of the sports career.

Following courses

With the beginning, in September 2014, of a university process linked with Université Paris-Sud Orsay, students have earned 240 ECTS in the same time of their Physiotherapist diploma. Since the « décret du 13 août 2021 », the Master's degree has been conferred on the Physiotherapist, thus allowing the recognition of the 300 ECTS  (60 ECTS from the year of selection and 240 ECTS from the training course).
Some opportunities to follow post-graduate course, such as a Master 2 are offered to students in partnership with Université Paris Saclay and the other universities which we are linked.


Long Life Professional Development

ENKRE organizes conferences and debates about knowledge actualization and some inter-professional post-graduate course to improve skills and competences of physiotherapist professors. The school also promotes researcher studies perform by physiotherapists with the aim to improve both profession and students training.

Students Association

The Physiotherapy students’ association of the ENKRE is a non-profit association which proposes many services to the students and ENKRE alumni, by the mean of its linked partners. One of its roles is to create link and cohesion between students through social events: cultural experiences, sports games and parties with other physiotherapy schools and tutorial support and promoting between classes.

Ecole Nationale de Kinésithérapie et de REéducation

12 rue du Val d’Osne - 94410 Saint Maurice
Tel : 01 43 96 64 64
Fax : 01 43 96 64 07




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